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                       Welcome to Apples & Oranges Corp

AOC is currently adding new services'& removing others. We're revamping our youth enrichment programs to better serve youth in our communities. Stop by in October 
to visit our new & improved website. 



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Client Info

Child Care Centers


Is my child care center eligible?



A child care center may participate in the food program when the sum total of the enrolled children who receive Title XX benefits or by the parents income to determine children are free and/or reduced that represents 25% or more of the total enrollment or licensed capacity of the child care center. The reimbursement of the child care center is determined by the percentage of free, reduced, and paid for every meal served to enrolled children.


The Program helps families of children enrolled of child care centers, emergency shelters, and afterschool snack programs improve the health and eating habits of the millions of infants, toddlers, pre-school, and school age children in our country by offering free nutrition training and financial assistance. As an incentive, child care programs receive a monthly reimbursement check for the meals and snacks served that meet basic nutritional requirements.



​AOC Youth Enrichment Programs Welcomes
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