Welcome Clients!
Child Care Centers
Is my child care center eligible?
A child care center may participate in the food program when the sum total of the enrolled children who receive Title XX benefits or by the parents income to determine children are free and/or reduced that represents 25% or more of the total enrollment or licensed capacity of the child care center. The reimbursement of the child care center is determined by the percentage of free, reduced, and paid for every meal served to enrolled children.
The Program helps families of children enrolled of child care centers, emergency shelters, and afterschool snack programs improve the health and eating habits of the millions of infants, toddlers, pre-school, and school age children in our country by offering free nutrition training and financial assistance. As an incentive, child care programs receive a monthly reimbursement check for the meals and snacks served that meet basic nutritional requirements.
Reimbursement Expected Payment Date
June 2024 Claim Payment
July 15, 2024
Last day to submit September Claim is October 2nd, 2024.
Note: No reimbursement will be paid without receipts, monthly report, and time distribution reports (if applicable). Must submit with claims on the 2nd of every month. Payment dates are not 100% accurate.
We are Grateful for our Clients!
Child Care Program Reward Program
Congrats to CEI Preschool Spanish Immersion School
We're proud to announce you're the winner of the Child Care Center Reward.
Your center has shown outstanding performance in the
following areas:
Timely paperwork
Professional staff & well organized kitchen
Outstanding monitoring reviews
Center Reward in July 2022
$75 Dinner Gift Card
Thanks for your dedication & outstanding work.
Referral Program
Receive a $75 check when you refer a child care center or shelter who successfully enroll with Apples & Oranges Corp Youth Food & Nutrition Program.
Congrats to:
Pooh's Corner for your referral of Lil Cats Daycare in Coleman, TX.
Thanks for the Referrals.
Nutrition Forms - Download Forms Here
Useful Forms & Policy Alerts
WIC FORMS 2022-2023 English & Spanish
Civil Rights is a required training and must be completed before enrolling in the Food & Nutrition Program
Civil Rights Online Training
Apples & Oranges does not discriminate against any individual based on race, color, age, sex, disability, or national origin. If you believe you have been discriminated against, please contact:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(866) 632-9992
Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442
Email: program.intake@usda.gov.
Nutrition Mandatory Annual Training
Special Announcement
October 15th, 2024 is AOC last day to
participate in the CACFP.
Keeping You Informed
Annual Child Enrollment
All Children Enrollment Forms due by August 31st, 2022
Centers have options:
Paperless with E-Forms must be fully completed.
Complete Manually and Mail in Children Enrollment Forms must be signed & dated by parents.
Stay in the Know
Train like a PRO!
Create a Food Buying Guide Account
New Meal Pattern Charts
Meal Production Records
Snacks, Cereal, Yogurt,
Whole Grains